Dr. Subhadeep Banerjee

BSB - 117A, Geotechnical Engineering Division
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai - 600 036
Ph: +91-44-22574304
Mob: +91-9840132095
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai - 600 036
Ph: +91-44-22574304
Mob: +91-9840132095
Email ID :subhadeep@iitm.ac.in
Alternative Email ID :subhadeep@civil.iitm.ac.in
Dr. Subhadeep Banerjee is a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He received his Ph. D in Civil Engineering from the National University of Singapore in 2010. Prior to that, he completed his M. Tech degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee in 2005 and BE from the Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2003. Following his doctoral degree, he served as a Research Engineer and Research Associate for a project which was collaborative research between the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Housing Development Board where the seismic safety of existing buildings was evaluated. In March 2011, he joined IIT Madras and has been teaching in the areas of geology and soil mechanics, applied soil mechanics, advanced foundation engineering, structural design of foundations, computer methods in civil engineering, geotechnical engineering design studio, and construction materials laboratory. His research interests include seismic soil-foundation interactions, cyclic behaviour of geomaterials, and finite element analysis of complex dynamic problems. Besides, he is also an expert in constitutive modelling of soils special emphasis to the transient dynamic behaviour. He is running various projects focusing on Institutional strengthening on analysis of dams, foundation, retrofitting, flood forecasting, and related issues. Most of his projects contribute to research and development in the seismic SSI analysis of combined pile-raft foundation system for nuclear power plants, isolation performance of soil rubber mixture. At IIT Madras, he has formed three research groups to study the following attributes, (i) Cyclic characterization of various types of natural soils, improved ground, landfills, etc., (ii) Development of constitutive models of soils emphasizing their performance under seismic loadings, and (iii) Application of fundamentals of dynamics to various complex soil-structure problems such as, tunneling, base isolation techniques, plate anchors, retaining walls, etc. He has co-authored 6 book chapters, 46 journal papers, and 21 conference papers.
Earned Degrees
Ph.D in Civil Engineering, 2010
National University of Singapore, 21 Lower Kent Ridge Road
Singapore 119077
M.Tech in Earthquake Engineering, 2005
IIT Roorkee, Roorkee - Haridwar Highway, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667
B.E in Civil Engineering, 2003
Jadavpur University, 188, Raja S.C. Mallick Rd,
Kolkata - 700032.
Awards and Honours
Research Areas
 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering |
 Shake Table Testing |
 Soil-structure interaction |
 Finite Element Application to Soil Dynamics Problem |
Professional Experiences
July 2021 – till date | : | Professor , IIT Madras, |
July 2016 – July 2021 | : | Associate Professor , IIT Madras, |
March 2011 – June 2016 | : | Assistant Professor, IIT Madras, |
May 2018 – June 2018 | : | Visiting Professor , University of Technology Sydney, |
June 2014 – July 2014 | : | Visiting Professor , TU Kaiserslautern, |
May 2010 – March 2011 | : | Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, |
July 2009 – April 2010 | : | Research Engineer , National University of Singapore, |