Radhakrishna G Pillai Main

Alagappan Ponnalagu

STR 212 Structural Engineering Laboratory,
Department of Civil Engineering,
IIT Madras,
alagappan@iitm.ac.in 04422574320
Alagappan Ponnalagu I am Dr. Alagappan Ponnalagu working as an Assistant Professor in the Civil Engineering department of IIT Madras. I teach courses related to mechanics and analysis. My research focuses on mitigating the effect of blast and ballistic impact on structures, helmets, and armours. We carry out experimental and analytical/numerical modelling of materials subjected to blast and ballistic impact.  

Earned Degrees

M. Tech., 2010
IIT Madras, India.,

Awards and Honours

Teaching Fellowship, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2015

Graduate Research Assistantship, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University , 2011

Valli Anantharamakrishnan Merit Prize , Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, 2010

K. Devarajan Memorial Prize , Transportation(Civil) Engineering, IIT Madras , 2010

Institute Merit Prize , Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, 2010

Research Areas

 Blast loading on structures, Impact biomechanics, Damage modelling, Image analysis

Professional Experiences

 2016 – 2017 : Visiting Assistant Professor , Texas A&M University, USA
 Aug 2015 – Dec 2015 : Postdoctoral Research Associate, Texas A&M University, USA
 Jan 2015 – May 2015 : Instructor, Texas A&M University, USA
 2010 – 2011 : Project Officer, IIT Madras, India

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