Dr. B. Nageswara Rao

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai, PIN 600036, India
Earned Degrees
Ph.D. (Structures, Mechanics & Materials), 2002
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1527, USA,
Dissertation title: Stochastic Meshless Methods for Deformation and Fracture in Materials and Structures
(Guide: Professor Sharif Rahman )
M.E. in Civil Engineering, 1994
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India,
Dissertation title: Study of Strength Characteristics and Toughness Indices of Plain and Fiber Reinforced Concrete
B.Tech. in Civil Engineering , 1992
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India,
Dissertation title: Design of a Multi-Storied Building and an Auditorium
Awards and Honours
Best Paper Award, For the paper entitled ‘Effect of actuation procedure in MFC actuators for morphing of bistable laminates’, in the category of Theoretical and Numerical Mechanics, 11th Structural Engineering Convention, 2018
National Award for Guidance for Best M.Tech. Thesis, Indian Society for Technical Education National Award in Civil Engineering, Ahmedabad (Gujarat), 2018
DAAD Fellowship, DAAD German-Indian STAR for Study visit, TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, 2010
Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral and experienced researchers, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, 2006
6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Young investigator fellowship, Beijing, China, 2004
7th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Young investigator fellowship, Albuquerque, USA, 2003
Finalist in Student Paper Competition, ASME-PVP 2001 Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2001
Research Areas
 Computational solid/facture mechanics |
 Finite element analysis |
 Meshless analysis |
 Structural reliability |
 Stochastic mechanics |
 Fuzzy structural analysis |
 Dimension reduction methods |
 Morphing structures |
 PreEngineered Buildings |
 Reinforced Concrete Structures and related fields |
 Prefabricated Structures |
Professional Experiences
2013 – Present | : | Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras |
Mar 2009 – Jul 2013 | : | Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras |
May 2004 – Mar 2009 | : | Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras |
May 2002 – May 2004 | : | Post Doctoral Research Scholar , Center for Computer Aided Design, The University of Iowa, USA |
Jan 1998 – May 2002 | : | Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Computer Aided Design, The University of Iowa, USA |
Jan 1999 – Dec 2000 | : | Teaching Assistant , The University of Iowa, USA |
Sept 1995 – Jan 1998 | : | Lecturer , The University of Technology, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies |
Aug 1994 – Sept 1995 | : | Part-Time Lecturer, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, College of Engineering, Kakinada, India |