Dr. Koshy Varghese

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai, TN 600036, India.
Earned Degrees
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, 1992
University of Texas at Austin, USA,
M.S. in Structural Engineering, 1987
University of Texas at Austin, USA,
B.Tech. in Civil Engineering, 1986
Anna University,
Awards and Honours
Project Management Institute(PMI) Distinguished Scholar Award, Scholarly contributions to area of Project Management, 2012
International Association for Automation & Robotics in Construction (IAARC) Tucker Hasagawa Award, contributions in area of Automation in Construction, 2012
American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Best paper Award, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. Paper title: Accelerometer Based Activity Recognition in Construction, 2011
Indian Society of Remote Sensing Best Paper Award , published in Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing. Paper title: An integrated multi stage framework for automatic road extraction from high resolution satelliteimagery., 2011
World Construction Symposium (WCS) Best Paper Award, paper titled Design Process standardization for building projects in India, 2017
President, International Association of Automation and Robotics in Construction , 2013-2018
Member,Board of Directors, International Association of Automation and Robotics in Construction, Since2005
Member,EditorialBoard, International Journal of Automation in Construction, Since2007
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Information Technology in Construction , since 2009
RegionalEditor, International Journal of Built Environment and Project Management, 2009 - �2012
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of National Institute of Construction Management &Research (NICMAR) , since 2012
GuestEditor, Special Issue on Computer Aided Civil & Infrastructural Engineering, 2010
InvitedSpeaker, For numerous national and international conferences, 1999-Current
Certificate of Appreciation , from Del E. Web School of Construction, Arizona State University for Academic Excellence, 2002
Certificate of Appreciation , from US Corps of Engineers, USA for utility of joint research project, 1992
Research Areas
 Automation in Construction |
 Planning Fast Track & Concurrent Engineering Projects |
 Sustainable Development |
 Geographic Information Systems in Civil Engineering Applications |
Professional Experiences
2004 – Present | : | Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India |
2004 – 2005 | : | Visiting Faculty, University of Texas at Austin , Austin, TX 78705 |
2002 – 2003 | : | Visiting Eminent Scholar, Arizona State University, USA, Tempe AZ 85287-1004 |
2000 – 2004 | : | Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India |
1995 – 2000 | : | Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India |
1993 – 1995 | : | Lecturer, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India |
1992 – 1993 | : | Post-Doctoral Fellow, Univ. of Texas at Austin,USA, Austin, TX 78713-7608 |