Dr. K.P.Sudheer

Room No.148
First floor, NAC -II Building
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
First floor, NAC -II Building
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Email ID :sudheer@iitm.ac.in
Alternative Email ID :sudheer@civil.iitm.ac.in
Dr. K.P.Sudheer is a professor in Civil Engineering Department ,Indian Institute of Technology Madras. His research interests are Hydrologic Modelling, Stochastic Hydrology, Hydrological forecasting,Predictions in Ungauged Basins, Uncertainty Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Irrigation Water Management, Application of ANN and Fuzzy systems to Hydrology and Water Resources Knowledge Extraction from and Knowledge Embedding in Soft Computing based Models
Earned Degrees
Ph.D., 2000
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, ,
Dissertation title: IIT Campus, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, Delhi 110016
M. Tech, 1994
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,,
Dissertation title: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Kharagpur, India - 721302
B. Tech, 1991
Kerala Agricultural University,
Dissertation title: Vellanikkara, Thrissur, Kerala India-680656
Research Areas
 Hydrologic Modelling, Stochastic Hydrology, Hydrological forecasting |
 Predictions in Ungauged Basins, Uncertainty Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis |
 Irrigation Water Management |
  Application of ANN and Fuzzy systems to Hydrology and Water Resources |
 Knowledge Extraction from and Knowledge Embedding in Soft Computing based Models |
Professional Experiences
2013 – present | : | Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, , IIT Madras , |
2009 – 2013 | : | Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, , IIT Madras, |
2003 – 2009 | : | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering,, IIT Madras , |
2003 – 2003 | : | Visiting Faculty, Dept. of Civil Engineering, , IIT Kanpur , |
1996 – 2002 | : | Scientist,, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee , |
2011 – 2011 | : | International Faculty, Erasmus Mundus , Ecohydrology, University Algarve, Faro, Portugal , |
2012 – 2012 | : | Visiting Research Scientist, Purdue University, USA: , |
2015 – present | : | Adjunct Professor, , Purdue University, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, West Lafayette, IN, USA , |