Subsurface Mechanics and Geo-Energy Laboratory

Institute of Eminence Research Initiative

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

International Collaborators

Derek Elsworth is a Professor in the Departments of Energy and Mineral Engineering and of Geosciences and the Center for Geomechanics, Geofluids, and Geohazards at Penn State. His interests are in the areas of computational mechanics, rock mechanics, and in the mechanical and transport characteristics of fractured rocks, with application to geothermal energy, the deep geological sequestration of radioactive wastes and of CO 2 , unconventional hydrocarbons including coal-gas, tight-gas-shales and hydrates.

Antonio Rodríguez-Ferran is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UPC- BarcelonaTech (Spain). He is also a member of the research group LaCaN – Mathematical and Computational Modeling. Within the broad areas of computational mechanics and numerical methods, his main research field is the computational modelling of fracture in engineering materials. Prof. Rodríguez-Ferran is especially interested in the numerical aspects, such as the efficient regularisation of softening behaviour or adaptivity for phase-field approaches. His other main research topics are the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation (co-author of the chapter on this topic in the Encyclopaedia of Computational Mechanics, Wiley), computational vibroacoustics, and numerical methods for linear and nonlinear systems of equations.

Ranjith Pathegama Gamage is Professor of Sustainable Development of Energy and Resources at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Monash University. His research focuses on recovery of mineral and hydrocarbon resources, deep geothermal energies, and climate mitigation methods including carbon sequestration in geological formations. Professor Ranjith’s research discoveries have underpinned the development of better ways to break rocks insitu conditions for mineral extractions, some of which are now in field trials. He was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering in 2019. He is also Fellow of Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK) and Fellow of Geological Society (UK). He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief, along with four others, of Geomechanics and Geophysics for GeoEnergy and GeoResource, Springer.

Joshua A. White is a Group Leader for the Subsurface Transport Group in the Atmospheric, Earth, and Energy Division at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. His research focuses on integrating field monitoring techniques with large-scale computing to improve understanding of complex geologic systems. The application areas of interest of his research include geologic carbon sequestration, unconventional energy production, and induced seismicity. Dr. White holds a B.S.E. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Princeton University, and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Stanford University.

Dakshina Valiveti is currently a Principal Computational Scientist at the ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company. He received his M. S., and Ph. D. degrees in computational mechanics from The Ohio State University, and a B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Madras. Prior to his current role, Dr. Valiveti has worked for six years at the Corporate Strategic Research Center in Clinton, NJ and for one year at the GE Global Research Center in Bangalore. His research experience includes a variety of topics including modelling damage in aluminium alloys (engine blocks), steels (casing/tubulars), fracture and porous flow in rocks, and seismic imaging.