Subsurface Mechanics and Geo-Energy Laboratory

Institute of Eminence Research Initiative

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

April 29 – May 03, 2024

Visweswaraya Seminar Hall (VSH), Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras

Course level: UG/PG (7th semester UG and above)

Discipline: Civil Eng./Applied Mechanics/Mechanical Eng./Aerospace Eng.

Lecture hours: 21 hours

Pre-requisites: An introductory course on Finite Element Method

Audience: Research scholars from universities in India, research engineers from private companies.

Registration fee: INR 1000 (students), INR 5000 (professionals), mandatory but free registration for IITM students. Registration fee to be paid by a Cheque or Demand Draft or Online payment in the name of "Indian Geotechnical Society Chennai Chapter".
SBI Current Account No: 36051682340.
IFSC Code: SBIN0006463

Course Description

This course will focus on the practical side of the finite element method, and it will emphasize the modern algorithms and approaches for its implementation using deal.II as an example.

An important part of this course is to show students how finite element methods look like in implementation practice today. For this, the deal.II library will be used. deal.II is a C++ software package that provides building blocks from which one can assemble finite element solvers in much the same way as one writes MATLAB programs: it offers a wide variety of data structures and algorithms for everything one typically needs in finite element codes, but how these are put together is left to the user – just like MATLAB offers matrix and vector data structures along with things like singular value decompositions, Fourier transforms, etc., but it is left to the user what to do with all of this.

deal.II is a project that is today also the largest and most widely used open source finite element software. It has grown to more than one million lines of C++, has thousands of users, and a developer community that contributes hundreds of patches every month. It also has excellent documentation, and the course will show students how to navigate it and in particular walk them through some of the many tutorial programs that explain how deal.II can be applied to particular partial differential equations in any domain of interest.

The short course will also have plenty of time for the students to play with deal.II: explore what happens if one changes the equation, the boundary values, the domain, the right-hand side; how best to visualize the solution.

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