Radhakrishna G Pillai Main

STG Raghukanth

Room No. STR 203
Structural engineering Laboratory
IIT Madras, Chennai - 600036
raghukanth@iitm.ac.in 8072625728
STG Raghukanth  is a Professor in Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. His primary R&D interests are Structural Dynamics, Random vibrations, Machine learning, Steel structures, Earthquake engineering and Engineering Seismology. He has developed Empirical and Mechanistic models for simulating earthquakes and their ground motions. He is also involved in developing the seismic zone map of India based on probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. 
My Youtube Lectures

Earned Degrees

Awards and Honours

Young Faculty Recognition Award (YFRA), Teaching and Research IIT Madras, 2015

Research Areas

 Earthquake Engineering
 Engineering Seismology
 Steel structures
 Computational Mechanics
 Stochastic Mechanics
 Big data and Machine Learning

Professional Experiences

 June 2005 – Nov 2008 : Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,
 Dec 2008 – July 2013 : Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
 July 2013 – July 2018 : Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
 Aug 2018 – : Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras,

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