CE3520 |
Foundation Engineering |
CE4010 |
Construction Project Management |
CE1010 |
Introduction to Civil Engineering Profession |
CE2020 |
Structural Analysis |
CE2060 |
Geotechnical Engineering |
CE2080 |
Surveying |
CE2310 |
Mechanics of materials |
CE2330 |
Civil Engineering Materials and Construction |
CE3015 |
Highway Engineering |
CE3025 |
Traffic Engineering |
CE3050 |
Basic Structural Steel Design |
CE3060 |
Basic design of reinforced concrete structures |
CE3100 |
Structural engineering laboratory |
CE3241 |
Approaches for Sustainable Infrastructure and Environmental Systems |
CE3310 |
Advanced Structural Analysis |
CE3320 |
Design of steel structural systems |
CE3330 |
Computer Methods in Civil Engineering |
CE3350 |
Geotechnical Engineering |
CE3410 |
Construction Materials Laboratory |
CE3510 |
Ground Improvement |
CE3530 |
Introductory Rock Mechanics |
CE4011 |
Introduction to Atmospheric and Climate Sciences |
CE4111 |
Sustainable Technologies for Env. Systems Management |
CE4310 |
Design of Concrete Structural Systems |
CE4410 |
Structural Masonry |
CE4510 |
Dynamics of Foundations |
CE4520 |
Principles of Reinforced Soil Structures |
ce4640 |
Analysis and Design for wind and earthquake effects |
CE4670 |
Case studies in Structural Engineering |
CE4901 |
Undergraduate Research - I |
CE4902 |
Undergraduate Research - II |
CE4903 |
Undergraduate Research - III |
CE5010 |
Modern Construction Materials |
CE5010W |
Introduction to Bridge Engineering |
CE5011 |
Design of Masonry Structures |
CE5012 |
Structural Fire Engineering |
CE5013 |
Bituminous Technology |
CE5014 |
Sustainable Construction |
CE5015 |
Environmental Monitoring and Data Analysis |
CE5016 |
Sustainability in River Basin Management |
CE5017 |
Urban Transport and the Environment |
CE5020 |
Construction Planning and Control |
CE5020W |
Analysis of Bridges |
CE5021 |
GIAN 151003L12 Megaproject Leadership and Governance- Capabilities for New infrastructure develop |
CE5021W |
Dynamics of Bridges |
CE5022 |
GIAN 151003L07 -Stakeholder Management for Large Engineering Projects |
CE5022W |
Geotechnical Engineering, and Hydrology & Hydraulics of Bridges |
CE5025 |
CE5030W |
Design of Concrete Bridges |
CE5031W |
Design of Steel Bridges |
CE5032W |
Design of Bridge Foundations |
CE5034W |
Design of Bearings, Joints and Ancillaries of Bridges |
CE5040W |
Design Studio in Bridge Engineering |
CE5041W |
Mini Project |
CE5042W |
Materials and Construction Technologies in Bridge Engineering |
CE5043 |
GIAN 151003L10 - Builing Resilient and Sustainable Roadway Infrastructure |
CE5043W |
Maintenance, Assessment, Repair and Strengthening of Bridges |
CE5044W |
Case Studies in Bridge Engineering |
CE5070 |
Building Sciences Lab |
CE5100 |
Construction Software Lab |
CE5105 |
Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment |
CE5110 |
Building Services |
CE5115 |
Admixtures and Special Concretes |
CE5120 |
Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Constructed Facilities |
CE5125 |
CE5130 |
Construction Quality and Safety Management |
CE5160 |
Biological Proc. design for Wastewater Treatment |
CE5180 |
Air Pollution and Control Engineering |
CE5210 |
Transport of Water & waste water |
CE5215 |
Concrete Pavement Technology |
CE5225 |
Numerical techniques in civil engineering |
CE5235 |
Understanding climate dynamics and its mysteries |
CE5280 |
Hazardous Waste Management |
CE5290 |
Transportation Network Analysis |
CE5300 |
Applied Soil Mechanics-converted |
CE5310 |
Advanced Soil Mechanics-converted |
CE5320 |
Soil Dynamics-converted |
CE5330 |
Advanced Foundation Eng-converted |
CE5331 |
Metro system and engineering-converted |
CE5332 |
Special Topics in Metro Engineering-converted |
CE5335 |
Metro Internship |
CE5338 |
Underground space technology |
CE5340 |
FEM _ Constitutive Modelling in Geomech |
CE5350 |
Geosynthetics _ Reinforced Soil Structures |
CE5360 |
Soil Exploration _ Field Tests |
CE5370 |
Geotechnics for infrastructure |
CE5380 |
Structural Design Of Foundation |
CE5390 |
Analytical Tech. in Transportation Engg |
CE5430 |
Geotechnical Engg. Design Studio |
CE5480 |
Water Resources Planning &mgmt |
CE5500 |
Hydroinformatics Lab |
CE5591 |
Pavement Preservation and Environmental Impact Assessment of Recycled Materials in Pavement Management |
CE5610 |
Finite Element Analysis |
CE5630 |
Advanced Theory and Design of Concrete Structures Finite Element Analysis |
CE5660 |
Advanced design of metal structures |
CE5680 |
Soil Structure Interaction Analysis |
CE5690 |
Theory and Design of Plates and Shells |
CE5831 |
Transportation Engg. Studio |
CE5870 |
Infrastructure Planning and Management |
CE5950 |
Characterization of Construction Materials |
CE5970 |
Barrier Systems for Waste Containment |
CE5971 |
Aerosol Science and Technology |
CE6011 |
Smart buildings and automation |
CE6012 |
Sustainability Engineering-Concepts and Applications |
CE6013 |
River Engineering |
CE6015 |
Solid waste management |
CE6016 |
Global Business Management |
CE6030 |
Construction economics and finance |
CE6031 |
GIAN 161003C01 Hydroinformatics for Integrated Water Resources Management |
CE6032 |
Nondestructive Testing & Evaluation of Pavements from Cradle to Grave |
CE6033 |
Spatial Modelling and Analysis of Environmental Systems us |
CE6034 |
Weather Radar and Hydrology |
CE6040 |
Cement Chemistry |
CE6050 |
Lean Construction Project Delivery |
CE6051 |
Machine Learning |
CE6070 |
Construction Project Modelling (1) |
CE6110 |
Advanced Concrete Technology (1) |
CE6215 |
Soil-Plant-Atmosphere continuum (1) |
CE6320 |
Engg. Seismology and Hazard Assessment (1) |
CE6330 |
Rock Engineering (1) |
CE6350 |
Critical State Soil Mechanics (1) |
CE6370 |
Comp.methods in Geotech engg |
CE6420 |
Ground Improvement Techniques |
CE6480 |
Contaminant Transport Modelling |
CE6500 |
Unsteady Open channel Flow |
CE6650 |
Structural Engineering seminar |
CE6670 |
Structural Engineering Design Studio |
CE6710 |
Bridge Engineering |
CE6730 |
Structural optimization |
CE6740 |
Advanced analysis and design for wind and earthquake effects |
CE6750 |
CAD in Civil Engineering |
CE6760 |
Structures for power plants |
CE6780 |
Advanced mechanics of structures |
CE6870 |
Transportation Systems Analysis |
CE6999 |
Special Topics in Civil Engineering |
CE7011 |
Advanced Transportation Network Analysis |
CE7012 |
Computer Integrated Project Delivery |
CE7013 |
Advanced Topics in Project Delivery Finance |
CE7014 |
Structural safety of historical monuments |
CE7015 |
Design of structures for ductility |
CE7016 |
Nonlinear analysis of frame structures |
CE7017 |
Advanced Traffic Flow Theory |
CE7018 |
GIAN 151003 Advances in Seismic Hazard Analysis and Soil-Structure Interaction |
CE7019 |
Gian 161003l07 Conceptual and structural design lightweight structures |
CE7021 |
Gian 151003l11 Advanced bridge design and construction |
CE7022 |
SEISMIC analysis and design of masonry structures |
CE7023 |
Computations for historical masonry |
CE7024 |
Rehabilitation of heritage structures |
CE7025 |
SEISMIC risk assessment at urban scale |
CE7120 |
Advanced topics in structural concrete |
CE7200 |
Fracture mechanics of concrete |
CE7640 |
CE7710 |
CE7720 |
CE7730 |
CE7999 |
GN5001 |
Self-awareness |
GN5010 |
Indian Aesthetics in Design |
GN6001 |
Integral Karmayoga |
ID5120 |
Urban Resilience |
ID6090 |
Composite materials and manufacturing |
ID7200 |
Design of frp composite structures |